Even if this is your first visit to my site, by getting as far down this page as this post that you are reading, you have probably already noticed the little advertisement on the upper right side of the page. The reason that I have put it up there is because it really fits with the theme of this site: namely the idea of trying to save money online while doing what you were going to do anyway, regardless if that is shopping, filing your taxes, searching for a decent online DVD rentals siteor whatever. Whatever it is you are doing, if it involves any financial transactions then it is my hope that I can help you to save a few beans along the way.
I recently became aware of another source that could potentially help you to both save money while doing your online shopping as well as give you the opportunity to earn an online cash back rebate for doing that shopping. The way to do this is by signing up (for free, of course) with a site called Mr. Rebates. I have already made mention on here in the past about how to file your taxes online for free, how to double the free trial period of your online dvd rental membership, and how to save money when shopping for replacement parts for your trusty Crock Pot slow cooker. This time around I want to let you know about this cash back website. I checked it out to see what their pitch is and it seems pretty decent; you sign up for free, shop through their site at any merchant on their lists - and they have many to choose from with many offering online discounts through them, and then earn acash back rebate from any purchases that you make. I don't think that there is a'catch' per say, but you do have to earn $10 in rebates by shopping through the Mr. Rebates site before you qualify to receive your rebate payment. However since they offer up to a 30% cash back rebate on your purchases depending on the merchant, it should notr take too long to make that total. When you do, you can choose to receive your payout by either cheque or by paypal. that makes it very easy for most to receive their payments. Another thing to keep in mind is that they include in their lists a number of major retailers, such as Wal-Mart, Sears, Toy R Us just to name a few, who you might have been planning to buy from anyway. Really, after looking through their merchant lists, it is clear to see that you stand to get a lot back on your purchases. Say you buy a $60 Crock Pot there that you were going to buy online anyway, then you could be looking at a couple of bucks back just for buying it through Mr Rebates. They even have an extensive list of medical and mobility aids available through their merchants. these of course can run you quite abit of money so any money back on those sorts of items is always going to be appreciated. If you should be in the market for something like a lift chair, for example, that could run you easily over $500. why not get some money back on the purchase?
Anyway, with this kind of thing being free to peruse, I cant think of any reason not to at least sign up and check it out and see what they might have to offer. Who knows, you might even see something that you want and had already made plans to buy online somewhere else - without getting any money back in your pocket...
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